Friday, October 19, 2012

Katie's Week 1, Day 3

Sarah and I debated which was worse, Day 1 or Day 3.  I'm going to go with Day 3 if I had to choke down all of that tuna, but because I chose to substitute, I'll say Day 1 was worse.

I really, really tried not to use any substitutions but I just couldn't take any more tuna!!  I ate half the package below with mustard and before this diet ruined tuna for me forever, I substituted a half cup of cottage cheese for the remainder of the tuna I did not eat.  I lost 1 lb on Day 3.

Bleh! I really tried but I couldn't eat the whole package!  I definitely won't be the partner in the Amazing Race eating things like cow brains or frog's fallopian tubes! lol

Awh, so much better! 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sarah's Week 1, Day 3

6:45am - Breakfast
This was a pretty yummy breakfast.  My only problem with this meal is the saltine crackers.  I like having some crunch, but saltines are just empty calories.  That is one of the only issues I have with this diet and I will probably change out saltines for a cracker with some fiber for the next round of this diet.
12:00pm - Lunch
Seriously?  A hard boiled egg and a piece of bread. 

6:30pm - Dinner
Dinner was gross.  One cup of tuna fish, bleh.  Dessert was good though.  1/2 of a banana and a cup of vanilla ice cream.  Yum tyum!  I'm hoping for some more luck on the scale tomorrow.  The diet claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds in three days, but that isn't going to happen.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going to track calories using the LoseIt! application on my phone to keep on track for the next four days before I start another cycle of the diet.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sarah's Week 1, Day 2

7:15 am - Breakfast
This morning's breakfast was really good and it tasted even better after I got on the scale and saw that I lost 2.4lbs already!  It was a basic breakfast, one egg (fried in Pam cooking spray), one piece of toast, and half of a banana.  I kind of missed having tea this morning, but it's not that serious. 

11:15 am - 1/2 of Lunch
2:30pm - 1/2 of Lunch
Lunch was split in half today because I teach from 11:30am - 2:20pm without a break in between classes.  I didn't want to have a rumbling stomach the entire time, so I ate about half of the cottage cheese and two crackers.  The rest of the crackers, cottage cheese and the egg were saved for after class at around 2:30pm.

6:30pm - Dinner
Dinner was a large portion of food.  Two hot dogs (with a little bit of mustard), 1 cup of steamed broccoli and 1/2 cup of raw carrots.  It was pretty filling and tasted good too.  I agree with Katie that Day 2 is the most reasonable and I wasn't hungry today.  Later tonight I'm going to enjoy my 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon (thanks for the suggestion Katie)!

Katie's Week 1, Day 2

So Day 2 was actually pretty easy.  I felt very full and satisfied at each meal.  If I were to repeat any of these days over the next 4 days off, I would definitely repeat Day #2 (with a little extra food of course).  I found that hard boiling an egg isn't so bad after all and this is something I could do on any day, dieting or not. 

I actually couldn't finish my lunch.  I think between the fried egg at breakfast and the egg and cottage cheese at lunch, all the protein really kept me very full.  I saved 3 crackers and 1/2 cup of cottage and ate it 1 hour later.  For dinner, I really didn't mind the chicken hot dogs, but I don't think I would buy them again.  The casing was so thick and I prefer the taste of an all beef hot dog instead. 

For dessert, I added cinnamon to my ice cream and I put my banana in the freezer.  I don't know if cinnamon is allowed or not but it was just a teaspoon and oh so divine!  I've heard cinnamon to have many health benefits and so I thought it wouldn't hurt.

9AM Breakfast: 1 Fried Egg (used PAM cooking spray), 1 Slice of Whole Wheat Toast, and 1/2 Banana

1PM Lunch: 5 Saltine Crackers (no salt), 1 Cup of 4% Small Curd Cottage Cheese, 1 Hard Boiled Egg with salt. 

6:30PM Dinner: 2 Chicken Hot Dogs, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1 TBSP of Trader Joe's Garlic Aioli Mustard, 1 TSP Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute

8PM Dessert: 1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream, 1/2 Frozen Banana, and 1 tsp of Cinnamon - yum!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sarah's Week 1, Day 1

Day 1 - Here we go!

Breakfast - 6:30am
After eating this measly breakfast, I learned that I don't hate grapefruit as much as I thought I did.   And I also learned that 2 tbsp is a lot of peanut butter for one piece of bread!  The tea was really good.  I had a cup of Lipton green tea with lemon and ginseng (no sweetener was added).  All-in-all breakfast was pretty tasty, but I don't think it's going to hold me over until lunch, which is also going to be a particularly pitiful meal.

Lunch - 11:45am
I wasn't as ravenous as I anticipated when lunch time rolled around.  I think the protein in the peanut butter helped me to remain satisfied until lunch.  (Plus, I was busy all morning and didn't really have too much time to think about it.)  For lunch I had 1/2 cup of tunafish (dry) and a piece of bread.  It was very underwhelming.  I've been drinking lots of water today and just went over to the coffee shop and purchased a hot tea.  It is TAZO decaf ginger peach without sweetener.  

At about 2:30pm, the hunger pangs really started to hit me.  I was about to give in to temptation and eat my apple early (part of my dinner), but thanks to Katie's encouragement I was able to wait until 5pm to partake in the most perfect honeycrisp apple I have ever tasted!

Dinner - 7:00pm
The apple at 5:00pm really helped me to get through until dinner. I had a really long day at work, so my meals ended up being very spread apart. But I survived my first day and I think I did really well. I also think this is the hardest of the three days, so I hope it will be easier from now on. For the final part of day one, I'm going to enjoy my cup of vanilla icecream. Yum Yum!  Fingers crossed for some luck on the scale tomorrow.

Dude, where were these bananas yesterday??

So I walk into my office this morning and fill up my 34oz water bottle and there is a whole case of bananas!  I really could of used one of these better looking bananas yesterday!  Grrr

And for those of you wondering, the tip of my dinky banana yesterday was gooey and gross, so I had to break it off and throw it out.  So, I ate 3/4 of the banana as Sarah suggested. :)

1st Day Results - meh! +0.5 lb

Not that I want to announce this to the world, but my "Aunt Flow" is visiting and I'm assuming this is why I gained 1/2 lb instead of losing anything.  I'm going to stick with the diet even though I'm a bit discouraged.  I'm really curious to see what Sarah's results will be tomorrow after finishing her first day! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Banana Debate

So I was debating with Sarah whether I could eat the whole banana or not due to its dinky size.  I took this pic to show its perspective next to my stapler at work.  The diet specifies a 'small' apple but does not specify how big the banana should be. I said between hunger pains, I want to eat the whole damn thing, but Sarah suggested me to compromise and eat 3/4's of it.  I will be reminding her of this tomorrow when she is doing her Day #1 lol

Katie's Week 1, Day 1

So today is Day 1 on my 3 Day Military Diet journey.  I woke up and winced as I stepped on the scale to have an accurate starting weight to see if this diet actually works or not!  It was pretty much where I expected it to be but excited and anxious to see my results over the next few days.  This diet claims you can lose as much as 10 lbs in 3 days and up to 40 lbs in a month doing 3 days on and 4 days off until you achieve your goal weight. I'm hoping for 6 - 8 lbs over the next 2 weeks but obviously I'll take more if it comes my way.
Sarah and I often chat on the phone during our morning or evening commutes. I was asking her this morning if she remembered reading anything about when to eat each meal and there wasn't really anything we could recall. I'm more of a grazer and if you watch Dr. Oz, you have to consistently eat throughout the day to keep your metabolism burning!  But with that said, I had breakfast at 9AM and lunch at 12:30PM lol  It's sooo little food that once I started eating, it was basically gone before I remembered I wanted to save some for later.
For dinner, I had to spread it out a little because I forgot that I had a 5PM - 7PM meeting at work (note for tomorrow: check work schedule prior to packing lunch in case you also need to pack dinner!).  I work for the online grocer, FreshDirect and I'm lucky to have fresh fruit provided to me each day.  For some odd reason today, of all days, we didn't have any bananas in the kitchen but we did have apples.  In my quest for a banana, a coworker took pity on me (or maybe he just didn't like the look of his small, spotted banana - see 'The Banana Debate').  I had the banana at 4:30PM and the apple during my meeting around 6PM.  I ate the remainder of my dinner, 1 cup of microwaveable green beans with Lawry's seasoned salt and 4.5 slices of Boar's Head Reduced Sodium Golden Classic Chicken Breast with mustard when I got home a little after 8PM. 
I think the other important thing to note for this diet is lots of water consumption.  For breakfast and lunch, I drank 1/2 bottle of Honest tea's Honey Green Tea. 1 bottle is only 70 calories and coffee or tea is allowed, so this added 35 calories to each meal.  For my water consumption, I filled a 34oz water bottle that I brought to work.  My goal was to drink 2 of those today but I only managed 1.5 or 51oz.  Water definitely helps any time I experienced any hunger pains.  There were lots of bathroom breaks needless to say between lunch at 12:30PM and eating my banana at 4:30PM. lol

Below are a few pics to let you know I'm keeping up my end of the bargain!

So breakfast wasn't so bad but mainly because of the peanut butter.  I loovvvee peanut butter, like eat it out of the jar kind of love.  But this is probably why I'm trying to lose a few lbs in the first place!

 Want some?  Grapefruit is still not my cup of tea.  I gave the other half away to a coworker this morning.

 In some serious need of Miracle Whip!!  Although, I did not learn I could have mustard until this evening.

Dinner was much more exciting than lunch.  Eating my apple and banana as snacks between lunch and dinner definitely helped with my hunger pains.

Oh my goodness, my cat Lucky went crazy when he smelled the chicken breast.  I tried to catch him in the action but this was the best shot I could get.  He's benefiting from this diet too!

 And this is what I've been waiting for all day long! 1 cup of melt in your mouth Haagen Dazs Vanilla Bean Ice Cream!  Talk about heaven after such a restrictive day mmm mmm mmm

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Katie's Groceries

Katie's Groceries from FreshDirect

Alderfer's Grade A Large Organic Eggs (1/2 dozen)
Organic Valley Low-Fat Cottage Cheese (16oz)
Organic Valley Sliced Cheddar Cheese (6oz)
Boar's Head Golden Classic Chicken Breast (Reduced Sodium)
Häagen-Dazs Five All-Natural Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (14oz)
Gala Apples, 4-Pack (Farm Fresh)  
Red Grapefruit (Farm Fresh, Med) 
Yellow Bananas (Farm Fresh, Half Yellow) 
Jif Crunchy Peanut Butter (18oz)
Nabisco Premium Unsalted Saltine Crackers (16oz)
Starkist Albacore White Tuna In Water, Pouch (7.06oz) 
Vermont Bread Company 10 Grams of Whole Grains Organic Wheat Bread (20oz)
Applegate Farms Organic Uncured Chicken Hotdogs, Fully Cooked (12oz)
FreshDirect Broccoli Florets (16oz, 16 oz)
Grimmway Baby Carrots (Farm Fresh, 1.0lb bag) 
Snipped Green Beans in Microwavable Bag (12oz)

Sarah's Groceries

I went to Publix today to purchase the food that I will need for the 3 day structured portion of the diet.  Here is a photo showing most of the things I bought.  (A few things got left out on accident.)  For day one, I bought red grapefruit that comes in a cup.  The fruit is in 100% juice that I will just drain off.  I also bought eggs that are already hard-boiled because I am lazy!  


Katie and I agree that for the four days that are unstructured, we will continue to eat some of these foods.  We might as well, since we just bought so much of it!

The Basics

This diet has been gaining popularity because of several websites including Pinterest and Facebook.  The original plan can be found if you click on the link provided, but here are the basics:

This diet is very structured for 3 days followed by 4 days of sensible eating.  And the diet can be repeated as many times as you need to until you get to your goal weight. 

Day One:
Breakfast - 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea
Lunch - 1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea
Dinner - 3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Day Two:
Breakfast - 1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana
Lunch - 1Cup of Cottage Cheese, 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers
Dinner - 2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Day Three:
Breakfast - 5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
Lunch - 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast
Dinner - 1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

With only 2 weeks left until the wedding, Katie is going to start on Monday, October 15 and Sarah is going to start on Tuesday, October 16.

Sarah's Motivation

Last week, my best friend Katie, asked me if I would go with her to the wedding of an old high school friend.  I am super excited to go and have the perfect dress to wear.  However, I would feel much more confident in the dress if I could lose a few pounds.

So, Katie proposed that we try the 3 Day Military Diet together in order to get a few pounds off before the wedding.  Even though she is in New York and I am in Florida, we're going to do this together and motivate each other to stick with it.   Two weeks isn't a very long time, but I am aiming to lose around 10 lbs after 2 rounds of the diet.  We're going to track our progress here so that other potential dieters can follow us on our journey.  Wish us luck! 

Katie's Motivation

We have a high school friend's wedding coming up on October 27, 2012.  It's a bit like going to your first 10 year high school reunion and of course we want to look our best.  I came across the 3 Day Military Diet on Pinterest and it really interested me because of the quick results it claims having only 2 weeks to shed a few pounds.  I asked Sarah if she wanted to try it with me because of course as the old saying goes "misery loves company".  But with that said, this diet is only 3 days!  We can do 3 days.

I need structure and this diet tells me exactly what to eat for all 3 meals of the day hence the word military. lol  I'm expecting.. hoping? lol to lose 6 - 8 lbs over the next 2 weeks as a goal doing this diet.  I think doing this diet with Sarah and posting to this blog will help me stay focused and consistent.  I'm a bit apprehensive about so little food, but again it's only 3 days.  I'm least excited about grape fruit, plain tuna, and the carrots, yuck!  But it's also not like I'm going to be eating cow brains like they do on the Amazing Race or something.

We've both tried Weight Watchers and it works great! But it's also very slow moving.  So maybe with the quick results that are promised with this diet, we can transition after the wedding to something a little more slow paced and sustainable.  I'm super excited to try the 3 Day Military Diet tomorrow!  Although, not super excited to get on the scale.  But we all have to start somewhere, right?  Wish us luck and we'll see how far we can get with our weight loss goals on this 3 Day Military Diet.