So Day 2 was actually pretty easy. I felt very full and satisfied at each meal. If I were to repeat any of these days over the next 4 days off, I would definitely repeat Day #2 (with a little extra food of course). I found that hard boiling an egg isn't so bad after all and this is something I could do on any day, dieting or not.
I actually couldn't finish my lunch. I think between the fried egg at
breakfast and the egg and cottage cheese at lunch, all the protein
really kept me very full. I saved 3 crackers and 1/2 cup of cottage and
ate it 1 hour later. For dinner, I really didn't mind the chicken hot dogs, but I don't think I would buy them again. The casing was so thick and I prefer the taste of an all beef hot dog instead.
For dessert, I added cinnamon to my ice cream and I put my banana in the freezer. I don't know if cinnamon is allowed or not but it was just a teaspoon and oh so divine! I've heard cinnamon to have many health benefits and so I thought it wouldn't hurt.

9AM Breakfast: 1 Fried Egg (used PAM cooking spray), 1 Slice of Whole Wheat Toast, and 1/2 Banana
1PM Lunch: 5 Saltine Crackers (no salt), 1 Cup of 4% Small Curd Cottage Cheese, 1 Hard Boiled Egg with salt.
6:30PM Dinner: 2 Chicken Hot Dogs, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1 TBSP of Trader Joe's Garlic Aioli Mustard, 1 TSP Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute
8PM Dessert: 1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream, 1/2 Frozen Banana, and 1 tsp of Cinnamon - yum!!!